Our expertises
Customs & Logistics
UGGC Africa supports and advises many players in the aeronautics sector and in particular several major Moroccan airports.
Our airport expertise includes notably :
- all issues related to airport concessions and development (large complex projects, state aid issues),
- public procurement contracts (drafting of procurement regulations, assistance with the awarding and performance of contracts, litigation concerning said awarding and performance),
- the management and enhancement of the public domain, whether it is directly related to airport activity (businesses in the terminals etc.) or by operations of economic valuation of the domain (real estate projects, receptions of companies on the public domain etc.).
UGGC Africa intervenes both upstream of the projects (analysis of the possible contractual arrangements, strategic advice) and at the stage of their implementation (drafting of the documents of the procedures and acts, negotiation, follow-up of the procedures, follow-up of the execution, settlement of disputes) and litigation.
Harbor & maritime
UGGC Africa assists and advises the actors of the maritime and harbor sector in this field specific issues at the crossroads of public law and private law.
Our harbor and maritime expertise includes:
- all issues related to concessions (public contracts, taxation, etc.),
- the legal and fiscal arrangements dedicated to facilities operation (exploitation of forms of refit, terminals),
- sales of business, acquisitions (marinas, marine insurance brokerage companies, mixed capital companies),
- the domain and real estate law and leases,
- littoral, environmental and urban topics,
- works contracts (assistance with contract management of the market, settlement of amicable or contentious accounts, advice and litigation of constructive disorders).
We intervene both in the negotiation stage, and in the validation of proposed arrangements and litigation (including local taxation, competition and advertising rules, internal and European regulations on public aid).
Transport & logistics
UGGC Africa assist transport and logistics companies in all aspects of their professions:
- Access to and exercising of professions;
- Sub-contracting rules;
- Sudden termination of established relationships;
- Price calculation rules;
- Compliance;
- Specific regulations: hazardous goods, carriage and cross-border transfer of waste products;
- Agreements;
- Civil, administrative and criminal liability.
Our firm also assists shippers with their logistics chain setting-up processes (agreements, procedures, compliance).
Our firm also provides advice to companies liable to companies liable to excise taxes such as eco-contributions, domestic consumption taxes and excise duties.
Our firm assists companies in their customs control process and defends their interests in the event of customs duty reassessment (administrative and judicial proceedings; criminal defence; settlement negotiations). We also deal with refund claims for unduly paid taxes and duties.
Finally, our firm assists companies concerned by international goods transfers subject to AEO certification: module ARIANE®.