Our expertises
Banking & Finance
Financial ligitation
UGGC Africa pleads before Moroccan courts and appears before the Enforcement Committee of the Financial Markets Authority:
- Litigations in connection with credit transactions;
- Litigations in connection with investment and portfolio management services;
- Disputes between banks or providers of investment services;
- Representation of investors in financial securities;
- Litigations in connection with guarantees and stand-by letters of credit;
- Disciplinary litigations.
The expertise of UGGC Africa covers debt restructuring and financing of companies in trouble upstream of collective insolvency proceedings, to include advice on renegotiation and restructuring of bank or debenture loans granted to companies or in the context of proceedings.
Project financing
The “project” activity combines the expertise of lawyers from the banking and finance, corporate law, public business law and tax law teams.
The expertise of UGGC Africa covers financing, construction and operation of complex industrial plants in France and abroad, such as ore processing plants, power plants, airport complexes, container terminals. Our firm has also been dealing with the financing required for the construction of public installations: high speed railway lines, roads and motorways or sports stadium.
Banking and financial law
UGGC Africa provides support to French and foreign credit establishments and providers of investment services with their permit applications and regulatory issues. It assists them in their dealings with regulators, provides advice about regulations against money laundering and the management of conflicts of interest. It also deals with alternative financing schemes: crowdfunding, crowdlending.
Our banking and finance team also advises its clients for the creation and management of collective investment bodies, whether UCITS or alternative investment funds, and the distribution of financial proceeds.
Our firm enjoys a recognized expertise of electronic payment and currency within the new framework created by European directives.
We also regularly deal with mergers and acquisitions involving credit establishments or portfolio management companies.
Bank financing
UGGC Africa assists credit establishments, big industrial companies and small to medium companies with their bilateral and syndicated financing. On their behalf, we negotiate all financing documents and especially mandates, term sheets, credit agreements, security documents, subordination agreements…
That expertise includes:
- Acquisition financing: advice to lenders, investment funds or mezzanine lenders;
- Asset financing: our team is regularly involved in the fields of telecommunication and IT, cultural industries (publishing, press, audio-visual) and energy; it is also involved in aeronautical funding;
- Real estate financing: our team represents Moroccan or foreign banks for the financing of residential or commercial (hotels, offices…) real estate.
Securization and transactions on debt obligations
UGGC Africa is well known for its expertise in monetization of banking, trade, tax or public debt obligations by way of factoring, reverse factoring, French or off shore securitization. This expertise includes an accounting dimension as well as the notions of transfer with or without recourse and true sale objectives with regards to IRFS and FAS 140 in the context of a cooperation agreement with a well-known accounting firm.
Bond issues
UGGC Africa assists industrial companies with their issues of debt securities, either governed by %Mor by foreign law, whether on the market or by private investment and as US Private Placement with insurance companies for instance. Our firm has also been involved in private European investments. The Banking and Finance team deals with issues of securities listed on the Paris or Luxembourg stock exchanges (Euro Medium Term, stand-alone issues…).