Our expertises
Private equity

Fund formation

UGGC Africa has developed a special competence in structuring and setting up of UCITS of all kinds and assists its clients in structuring and setting up of the private equity funds (mutual funds, venture capital funds and local investment funds).

In connection with the French Financial Markets Authority (the “AMF”), the fund structuring team assists its clients in the creation of new investment vehicles by drafting the relevant legal documentation (rules or by-laws (including the creation of units Of carried interest, investment memorandum, etc.) up to the filing of the approval request before the the AMF.

The fund structuring team also intervenes during the life of the investment vehicles and / or their management company (change in capital and relations with the AMF, etc.).

Leveraged buy-outs

The firm’s LBO team has developed a recognized expertise in leveraged financings (LBO, LMBO, BIMBO, OBO …) representing private equity funds, arranging banks, mezzanine lenders, as well as managers and buyers.

With its extensive multi-disciplinary experience covering legal and tax aspects, our team provides an expert advice to its clients at every stage of the buyouts with responsiveness, legal certainty and pragmatism: legal and tax due diligence, structure memorandum, drafting and negotiation of the legal documentation (sale and purchase agreement, representations and warranties agreement, shareholders’ agreement, contract of bonds redeemable with shares or convertible bonds’ issue and financing documentation (loan agreement, subordination agreement), completion of the transaction (satisfaction of the Conditions Precedent, setting up of security rights, etc.).

Restructuring capital

With a recognized expertise of insolvency proceedings acquired over more than 15 years,  UGGC Africa has developed a significant practice of restructuring capital operations.

The restructuring capital team is regularly involved upstream of insolvency proceedings, providing counsel services in connection with renegotiation and restructuring plans of bonds or bank credits.

UGGC Africa also assists various types of investors wishing to provide support to companies facing financial difficulties (acquisition of holding or control, setting up structured credits…). In this context, the restructuring capital team assists its clients to work out a takeover project (scope, risk analysis), in their negotiations with various parties involved (creditors, parties involved in proceedings), and before the courts.

Venture capital and growth capital

UGGC Africa has developed a strong venture capital and development capital practice advising private equity funds, investment companies as well as management teams and investing companies.

The expertise of the firm’s team specialized in venture capital and development capital, familiar with the local regulatory landscapes, investment and ownership ratios, tax issues, and particularly TEPA, offers to our clients an experienced legal advice combined with the responsiveness, legal certainty and innovative approach.

Our Private Equity expertise covers the full cycle of venture capital / development capital transactions, including: legal and tax due diligence, legal and tax structuring, drafting and negotiation of legal documentation (investment agreement, shareholders’ agreement, representations and warranties agreement, contract of bonds redeemable with shares or convertible bonds’ issue, management package, corporate documentation (by-laws, corporate bodies’ decisions, etc.).


Having worked in the field of restructuring and insolvency over the past 20 years, UGGC Africa has developed an important practice of turnaround transactions.

A multi-specialist team regularly handles pre-insolvency situations and advises its clients on renegotiation and restructuring plans of bank or bond financings.

UGGC Africa also assists various types of investors supporting companies in financial difficulty (equity or control, structured loans, etc.). In this context, the UGGC team assists its clients in the drafting of the takeover project (scope, risk analysis), negotiations with various parties (creditors, procedural bodies) and trial assistance.