Our expertises
Real estate

Real estate projects

For several years now, UGGC Africa has been a market leader in the follow-up to large real estate projects, and in this respect has been involved in many complex real estate developments or transactions (city restructuring projects, concerted development areas, logistics areas, etc.).

UGGC Africa assists its clients, both private and public contractors, from the outset of a real estate operation – studying the legal, regulatory, contractual or tax constraints of each operation – until its full completion and, sometimes, assisting with litigation.

The firm advises its clients on the national or local laws and regulations applicable to their projects, and provides regular assistance upstream of town planning permit applications (development permits, building permits, demolition permits, prior declarations, etc.), checking applications before they are filed.

Similarly, UGGC Africa is involved in the definition and drafting of contractual schemes enabling the implementation and maximisation of an operation, especially for complex operations involving several contractors or buildings with a dual purpose, both private and public: sale agreements based on drawings (VEFA), project management agreements, public domain occupancy agreements, division in volumes, etc.

Our Real Estate team has specific experience in managing lawsuits introduced against real estate operations by third parties, as well as claims filed against town planning permit refusals.

Construction law

UGGC Africa advises its clients, be they private or public project managers or companies, throughout the construction process.

In the preconstruction phase, the department assists those concerned to define the contractual framework of the works and the drafting of contracts (project management delegation contracts, promotion contacts, group agreements, assignments, real estate lease-purchase, works contracts, etc.).

The department assists clients in handling any difficulties arising during the construction phase (disasters, accidents, interrupted work, litigation with companies, sub-contractors, suppliers, etc.).

The department organises and follows through with any interim measures, emergency or expert procedures, and assists clients with any legal difficulties that may arise during the construction phase and at the key phases of handover and during the warranty year.

In cases of negligence, the firm’s lawyers will implement the legal guarantees and handle any legal expertise proceedings or litigation concerning the parties before the legal jurisdictions or authorities until enforcement or recovery.

Lastly, the department handles any litigation on behalf of purchasers (late delivery, nonconformity, defective work, etc.).

Town planning and real estate development law

UGGC Africa is involved in all areas of town planning and real estate development law, for private (builders, promoters, developers, etc.), public and semi-public (local authorities, public establishments, mixed investment companies) clients.

In addition to its recognized experience in the follow-up of large real estate projects, UGGC Africa also advises local authorities with the preparation and follow-up of local regulations (local town planning, territorial consistency schemes, risk prevention programmes, etc.).

As regards real estate development, our firm assists both its public and private clients with the setting up and implementation of their operations (concerted development areas, housing developments, etc.), regarding the regulatory, contractual (drawing up development concession agreements) and tax aspects. Our Real Estate department is extensively experienced in the field of pre-emption and compulsory purchase, both at the administrative (public utility declaration, decision to pre-empt, etc.) and judiciary (setting of the building’s price by the expropriation judge) stages.

UGGC Africa also has wide experience in commercial planning and has been involved in both advisory and litigation capacities in this field.

Our firm defends its clients before all administrative and judiciary courts, either as claimants or defendants, in litigation concerning town planning regulations, town planning permits, or in town planning civil and criminal lawsuits.

Lease and real estate management

UGGC Africa assists its clients with the purchase or sale of buildings, as well as the sale and acquisition of businesses, tenancy rights, commercial leases, civil leases, housing and co-ownership leases.

UGGC Africa’ Real Estate department advises and assists its clients with drawing up and negotiating transfer deeds, preliminary contracts, notices to vacate, follow-up of litigation concerning contractual infringements, representation in suits to fix the rent of newly renewed leases, as well as eviction compensation set by the court.

UGGC Africa also assists with the follow-up of amicable or legal eviction proceedings.

Our firm is regularly involved in drafting condominium rules and dealing with the introduction and follow-up of litigation concerning co-ownership rights.

UGGC Africa assists its clients with the purchase or sale of buildings, as well as the sale and acquisition of businesses, tenancy rights, commercial leases, civil leases, housing and co-ownership leases.